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Jun 22

CARE assisting following earthquake in Afghanistan

ByCARE Australia June 22, 2022 0 comments

Statement from Dr Mohammad Anwer, Head of Health Unit, CARE Afghanistan: The powerful earthquake that struck near Khost in southeast Afghanistan early on Wednesday morning has sadly killed at least 1,000 people and injured many more. We fear that aftershocks and more landslides could cause further damage and loss of…

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May 4

Ukraine’s humanitarian response: led by women, governed by men

ByCARE Australia May 4, 2022 0 comments

New research released today by CARE International and UN Women has shown that despite women making up the majority of people using and delivering humanitarian services they are being excluded from decision making. In Ukraine, women are increasingly becoming sole heads of households and leaders in…

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Mar 18

Ukrainians drinking melted snow

ByCARE Australia March 18, 2022 0 comments

With water pipes damaged by fighting and many parts of eastern Ukraine completely cut off from water supplies, dehydrated people have resorted to drinking melted snow. The international aid organisation CARE is supporting its partner, People in Need, to send water containers into Ukraine from the Czech Republic.

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Mar 11

Ukraine: even wars have laws

ByCARE Australia March 11, 2022 0 comments

As the war in Ukraine enters its third week, the humanitarian organisation CARE is deeply worried about the protection of civilians caught in the crosslines. “Over the past two weeks, there have been numerous reports of impacts on civilian infrastructure, most recently even on a maternity and paediatric hospital”, says…

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Mar 8

Ukraine: risk of trafficking, exploitation and maternal deaths

ByCARE Australia March 8, 2022 0 comments

As the world marks International Women’s Day, the aid organisation CARE is warning the war in Ukraine comes with specific and concerning risks for women and girls. With men aged between 18 and 60 required to stay and fight, the majority of the more than 1.5 million refugees currently fleeing…

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Mar 4

Ukrainian refugees need material and mental health support

ByCARE Australia March 4, 2022 0 comments

In just a few days, the violence in Ukraine has displaced more than one million people. Many have chosen to leave for Poland, but faced with the massive arrival of refugees, the borders are saturated. Many have therefore decided to turn south to find refuge in Romania. The international aid…

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