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Mar 19

IPC Report: Half of Gaza Experiencing ‘Catastrophic’ Hunger, Famine Imminent in Northern Governates

ByCARE Australia March 19, 2024 0 comments

The Integrated Food Security and Nutrition Phase Classification (IPC) report, released on Monday paints an extraordinarily dire picture of extreme hunger, malnutrition, and desperation in Gaza. It also underscores how fast the humanitarian crisis has been accelerating and widening, confirming continuous warnings by aid groups like CARE since…

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Mar 15

Reinstated funding for UNRWA: Statement from CARE Australia

ByCARE Australia March 15, 2024 0 comments

CARE Australia welcomes the news from the Foreign Minister Penny Wong, that the Australian Government will be resuming funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). UNRWA plays an essential role in the humanitarian response, delivering scaled and immediate aid to meet the unprecedented needs across Gaza. Over…

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Mar 15

Record funding shortfalls mark the 13th year anniversary of conflict in Syria

ByCARE Australia March 15, 2024 0 comments

As the Syria conflict enters its 13th year, the humanitarian situation across the country continues to worsen, further deepening existing vulnerabilities. The number of people in need of humanitarian aid continues to rise, reaching 16.7 million this year, representing a 9.15% increase from 2023. Today, more than 70 percent of…

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Mar 7

Statement from CARE West Bank and Gaza Country Director Hiba Tibi, on the five-months-mark of the conflict escalation in Gaza

ByCARE Australia March 7, 2024 0 comments

Palestinian children stand in a makeshift camp for displaced people in Rafah city, near the Egyptian border in southern Gaza.

“Five months, 152 days, 3,648 hours of horrors have passed in Gaza. Since early October, over 100,000 women, men, and children have been killed or wounded. At least one in 23 people in Gaza are either dead or severely injured; over 80% are displaced, fearing for their lives with every…

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Mar 4

CARE warns: 84% of Gaza’s lights extinguished, people left sick and starving

ByCARE Australia March 4, 2024 0 comments

***Satelite Images***

satellite images showing how Gaza is, quite literally, plunged into darkness

After almost five months of brutal conflict, the people of Gaza are suffering immensely, facing illness, hunger, and darkness, warns international aid organization CARE. An analysis of satellite images reveals that Gaza’s cities have experienced an enormous decrease in electricity, with nighttime light in the Gaza Strip reduced…

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