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Dec 19

Yemen: millions of lives still at risk after 1,000 days of war

ByCARE Australia December 19, 2017 0 comments

Yemen risks sliding into famine and further disease outbreaks unless all the country’s ports are fully reopened, aid agency CARE has warned as the country marks 1,000 days since conflict began. More than 22 million people in Yemen are in need of humanitarian aid, 7 million people face famine-like conditions…

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Nov 3

Syria: civilians in the line of fire

ByCARE Australia November 3, 2017 0 comments

Thousands of Syrians are still being killed, wounded, displaced, and besieged every day as the war rages on and help is not reaching people in need, the Syria INGO Regional Forum said today. The member organizations warned against a narrative that violence is reducing in the wake of recent political…

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Sep 19

Myanmar Bangladesh crisis: CARE provides urgent assistance

ByCARE Australia September 19, 2017 0 comments

CARE is working rapidly to provide urgent food and assistance to hundreds of thousands of people who have arrived in Bangladesh after fleeing intense violence in Myanmar. Over just three weeks almost 400,000 people from Myanmar’s northern Rakhine State have made the hazardous journey to Bangladesh to escape conflict. By…

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Aug 21

Deadly floods hit Bangladesh, India and Nepal

ByCARE Australia August 21, 2017 0 comments

CARE has started distributing emergency supplies to survivors of deadly floods that have hit Nepal, India and Bangladesh. The regional crisis has affected 16 million people and there are growing concerns about food shortages and disease. “This is the worst flooding in more than 100 years,” CARE’s Country Director in…

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Aug 18

Syria tops list of most deadly places to be an aid worker

ByCARE Australia August 18, 2017 0 comments

More people have died delivering aid in Syria than anywhere else in 2017, an analysis by international aid organisation CARE Australia has found. New figures reveal 80 aid workers have been killed this year, including 29 in Syria where there has been intense fighting since 2011. “Syria is the most…

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Apr 24

CARE welcomes vital funding for Yemen

ByCARE Australia April 24, 2017 0 comments

  CARE Australia welcomes the Federal Government’s commitment of $10 million to support people facing starvation and other effects of ongoing conflict in Yemen. The aid agency’s Chief Executive Sally Moyle said: “The situation in Yemen is catastrophic. The Australian Government’s funding is vital to help alleviate the suffering. It…

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