Leave a Gift in Your Will Leave a Gift in Your Will

A testament to your generosity and dedication to support women and defeat poverty.

A testament to your generosity and dedication to support women and defeat poverty.

In her hands, your gift of a lifetime creates powerful change

Leaving a legacy to CARE Australia is no small action. It’s one of the most powerful ways you can create meaningful change, long into the future.

No matter how big or small, every gift is a step towards supporting women to defeat poverty. Because when one woman lifts herself out of poverty, she will bring four others with her – and that’s a long-lasting outcome.

In her hands, a gift in your Will can be turned into the strength, resilience and courage needed to build a better future.

With the right opportunities in their hands, women like Marlena and Pheat can break the cycle of poverty for themselves, their families and their communities, for generations to come.

How to leave a gift in your Will

Download our Gifts in Wills Guide


Contact us

A legacy of care

Libby has always believed that education and training is the key to breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty. As someone who benefitted from a free education in Australia, she understands how this can open the door to a vast range of opportunities. After providing for her family and loved ones in her Will, Libby wanted to include a legacy gift to CARE to help ensure women around the world are afforded the same opportunities she was.

“When I decided I wanted to leave some money to an aid organisation in my Will, it was easy to choose CARE. They do the kind of work I have always been passionate about: ensuring women are supported and have the same opportunities as men. Especially when it comes to education and training.”

“I have a one-year-old great niece, and in a few decades’ time she will have benefitted from her education, and I hope that my legacy helps someone of her generation get the benefit of an education in a place where they don’t have the advantages that we do.” 

“Someone once said that money makes you happiest when you give it away. And it’s so true. It doesn’t have to be a lot. It can be a small amount, but it makes you feel good.”


Safewill is Australia’s leading online Will-writing platform. In as little as 20 minutes, you can write a legal Will that is reviewed by a practising Australian solicitor, to ensure it has been filled out correctly.

Safewill makes it easier to ensure your wishes are honoured through a simple step-by-step process online – and once your loved ones are provided for, we hope you consider including CARE Australia in your Will too. Your gift, no matter how big or small, can transform the lives of women, families and communities.

Safewill may not be the best option for more complex estates, and we would always recommend finding out more before deciding if Safewill is right for you. You can have an obligation-free conversation with Safewill’s friendly customer care team, who are available seven days a week, on 1800 103 310.

To learn more about writing a Will with Safewill or to get started for just $80, click here.

How to include a gift in your Will

Decide what type of gift to leave

There are several kinds of bequests to choose from. 

  • A residuary gift. This is the amount that is left after all other gifts and costs have been distributed.
  • A percentage gift. This is a percentage of the value of your estate. Unlike a specific gift, this will not decrease in value over time due to inflation.
  • A set amount. This is a specific amount of money you decide on (also known as a pecuniary gift).
  • A specific asset. This can be property, shares or goods of value.

Engage a legal professional

A Will is a binding legal document that ensures your final wishes are carried out as you intended. Whether you’re making a Will for the first time or amending an existing one, a legal professional can ensure it’s drafted correctly.

If you already have a Will, you can include a gift to CARE Australia by asking your solicitor to add a short legal amendment, called a ‘codicil’.

Before you see your solicitor, consider:

  • Your assets. What assets of value do you own?
  • Your beneficiaries. How would you like your assets to be distributed?
  • Your executors. Who would you like to manage your estate and Will?

Include the correct wording

To ensure your wishes are followed, they must be stated clearly and legally in your Will. We recommend discussing the wording with your solicitor. Here is an example of suggested wording your solicitor might find helpful:

“I give………………………………….., free of all duties and taxes, to CARE Australia (ABN 46 003 380 890) of Level 4, 53 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 for its general purposes. An authorised receipt from CARE Australia will be a sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee(s).”

In the space above, insert one of the following: 

  • the whole (or ……. %) of the residue of my estate
  • the whole (or ……..%) of my estate
  • the sum of $………..
  • my ……………… (insert name of specific asset(s), e.g. property, shares or goods of value.)

Let us know

Including a gift to CARE Australia in your Will is a personal choice that you may wish to remain private. But if you choose to share your decision with us, we’d love to get in touch to express our heartfelt thanks.

As a valued member of the CARE Australia family, we’ll send you a small gift of thanks, invitations to special events and regular updates. Knowing about your generous decision also enables us to better plan for the future.

You can advise us of your decision by contacting our Manager on 03 9009 7167, giftsinwills@care.org.au, or via the form below. All information you provide will be received in strictest confidence.

Download our Gifts in Wills Guide here to help you get started.

“Remembering CARE Australia in your Will is a gift which will endure beyond your lifetime.”

– Rt Hon. Malcolm Fraser AC CH

We’d love to hear from you

To have a confidential conversation about how leaving a gift in your Will can have a lasting impact on the lives of those living in poverty, or to let us know about your gift, you can contact the Gifts in Wills Team at giftsinwills@care.org.au or 1800 020 046 or contact us via the form below.

  • Please note that any information you provide will be held in confidence and stored securely in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Malcolm’s Legacy

“In 1987, my father Malcolm Fraser, wanted to create the ‘Australian face of international Aid’, when he became the founding Chairperson of CARE Australia. He cared deeply for people living in poverty and believed that a better world was possible if enough caring people came together to make it a reality.

By leaving a gift to CARE in your Will, you can continue to change the lives of those living in extreme poverty, far beyond your lifetime.” 

– Dr Phoebe Wynn-Pope, human rights advocate and current CARE Australia Board Member

Marlena’s Story

Education and training is helping Marlena lift her family out of poverty. Read Marlena’s story here.

Meet Pheat

Pheat is helping to defeat poverty in her community through multilingual education. Meet Pheat here.

Image credits:
John Hewat/CARE, Mike Larder, Josh Estey