Papua New Guinea, our nearest neighbour, faces many challenges in overcoming poverty.
More than 80% of the population live in rural areas, with limited access to health centres, education and agricultural services.
Women living in rural Papua New Guinea (PNG) suffer from poverty even more. They work long hours but are rarely involved in decision-making and have little control over the money they earn or the land they farm. Almost two-thirds of these women are also victims of violence.
CARE has been working in PNG since 1989. We focus on creating a more equal world for women and girls by improving access to health services, health information and education, and providing support to develop farming skills and take part in local decision- making. We also work with communities and families, encouraging positive attitudes and behaviours towards women.
Fast Facts
Population: 7.61 million
Life expectancy: 67.3 years (65.1 years male, 69.7 years female) (2017 est.)
Infant mortality: 48 deaths/1,000 live births (2018 est.)
Under-5 mortality*: 63 deaths/1,000 live births
Maternal mortality: 215 deaths/100,000 live births (2015 est.)
Adult literacy rate: 64.2% (65.6% male, 62.8% female) (2015 est.)
Access to improved drinking water: 40% (88% urban, 32.8% rural)
Access to improved sanitation: 18.9% (56.4% urban, 13.3% rural)
Labour force participation rate^: 74% male, 70.5% female (2018 est.)
Percentage of seats held by women in national parliament^: 0%
GDP per capita: $3,800 (2017 est.)
Latest estimates; Source: CIA World Factbook, *UNICEF, ^World Bank
Enga Landslide
At about 3am on Friday 24 May, 2024, a landslide engulfed villages in the Enga Province in Papua New Guinea, totally devastating the area and burying houses under 8 metres of rock and rubble, where an estimated 7000 people slept. At present over 2000 men, women and children have been estimated to have lost their lives.
CARE International PNG is responding to this humanitarian crisis with an initial supply of food, water and basic hygiene. In the recovery phase, CARE will support with shelter, WASH facilities, Protection and Agriculture.

Empowerment through education
While PNG has had many years of strong economic growth, rural and remote areas of PNG are far behind, especially in education and health services. Weak governance systems are at the heart of the problem where the use of government funding is often not transparent.
Children, especially girls from remote communities of PNG face challenges to gain a quality education. In the Eastern Highlands, CARE is helping communities demand improved education services from the government. We are bringing together government officials, school management and parents to communicate directly about the challenges their schools face and come up with joint solutions. This process keeps the decision-makers accountable and brings a better outcome for schools, teachers and children.
With the government of PNG, we are providing better teaching and learning materials to schools through the Pikinini Kisim Save (PKS) project. We are also providing scholarships to teachers so they can be better trained. Stronger supervision by the government and on-the-job training is also helping improve teaching.

Improved health services
Many women in PNG die every year due to pregnancy or childbirth. An estimated 40% of women do not give birth in a health centre or hospital, putting them at greater risk of complications. Many of these women live in remote areas where a health centre could be many hours walk away. Thousands of newborns die every year, and thousands more that survive birth do not make it to their fifth birthday.
In these remote communities Village Health Volunteers bridge an essential healthcare gap. CARE has trained hundreds of local Village Health Volunteers selected by the community. These volunteers teach women and their families about women’s health, nutrition, and hygiene needs during pregnancy. They educate families about the danger signs to look out for during pregnancy and when and how to seek help. They also emphasise the importance of giving birth at a health clinic.

Empowering women and girls
Coffee and cocoa are major exports for PNG. Yet women who provide the majority of labour for small cocoa and coffee farms often miss out on the benefits of farming incomes. Women bear the double burden of household chores and farming work but have little control over the money they earn or the land they farm.
CARE’s coffee and cocoa programs aim to improve the situation for women farmers by working with coffee and cocoa exporters. We are building the agricultural skills of coffee and cocoa farming families, keeping the benefit of the women workers in mind. These families are then encouraged to share their new skills and knowledge with their neighbours and the broader community. CARE has trained thousands of coffee farmers on farm management and family business management. The training helps the farmers understand how important it is to give women an equal share in making decisions, household work and income. Men’s attitudes and behaviours towards women are already changing for the better, and farming practices are improving because of this training.
We are working with the cocoa and coffee industry to develop policies and processes that ensure greater equality for women. We have also set up a Coffee Industry Graduate Program to encourage more PNG women to become professionals that can help farmers with agricultural knowledge. Since the project started, the number of women participating in farming and business management training has also grown rapidly.

Health volunteers offer hope
Tabita Bafe lives in a remote village in Morobe Province which is cut off from public services like schools and hospitals by a major river. The village is only accessible by helicopter or several days’ walk through steep terrain.
In 2016, Tabita heard of CARE’s Maternal Health Volunteer training: “I was living in the village and I didn’t know how to help women. Many were struggling. There was no group for women to come together to talk about their health and keeping their babies strong. They did not understand how their children were getting sick and used to struggle a lot during deliveries. Most women did not come to the health centre because of cultural taboos.”
Tabita takes pride in the work she has done since the training she received from CARE. “I speak with all the women in the village and accompany them to the health centre when they need prenatal check-ups. I also speak with families about the importance of making sure pregnant women eat good food and get plenty of rest during pregnancy. In the case of birth complications, I help them with referrals to the regional hospital which is an 8-hour walk from the village.”

Donate now
Support our ongoing work to create a more equal world.
Your donation can help end extreme poverty and give people the means to build a better future for themselves in countries like Papua New Guinea.
For those living in extreme poverty, your support brings education and training, healthcare and clean water, nutritious food, and new ways to earn an income. And in times of crisis, you help us deliver emergency relief. Please donate today.
Read more about our ongoing impact in Papua New Guinea:
Project Evaluations
Improving Community Climate Resilience in Nissan Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea
– More CARE evaluation reports from PNG and other countries are available at CARE’s Electronic Evaluation Library.
The on-going work we do in Papua New Guinea is in partnership with these local organisations: AROB Provincial Health Office, Barola Haus Mama, Bougainville Healthy Communities, Catholic Health Services (Bougainville), Department of Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs, Eastern Highlands Provincial Division of Health, EBC Health Services, Leitana Nehan, LIFE Group, Lutheran Health Services, Marie Stopes – Lae, Markham District Health Services, Menyamya District Health Services, Morobe Provincial Division of Health, National Department of Education, National Department of Health, National Literacy Awareness Secretariat, Nissan District Village Assembly, Obura Wonenara District Administration, Office of the Governor – Eastern Highlands Province, Office of the Open Member – Obura Wonenara District, Osi Tanata, Provincial Division of Education – Eastern Highlands, Rurubu Health Centre (United Church), Taonita Teop & Taonita Tinputz Councils of Elders, Tinputz Cocoa Agriculture Community Services, and Tinputz District Administration.