CARE has been present in Latin America since 1954, and in 2018 began scaling efforts to meet growing needs in the region.
Through various initiatives and forums, the country has aimed to address the challenges faced by women, promote their rights, and create opportunities for greater inclusivity and empowerment. In recent years, Mexico has participated in global discussions and efforts to bring about positive changes in the lives of women.
In collaboration with national partners, CARE focuses on improving the economic, social, and labor rights and conditions of domestic workers in Mexico.
Fast Facts
Population: 129,875,529 (2023 est.)
Life expectancy: 73.46 years (70.29 years male, 76.79 years female) (2023 est.)
Infant mortality: 12 deaths/1,000 live births (2023 est.)
Under-5 mortality*: 13.2 deaths/1,000 live births (2021 est.)
Access to improved drinking water: 99.7% (100% urban, 98.3% rural)
Access to improved sanitation: 99.2% (99.9% urban, 96.4% rural)
Percentage of seats held by women in national parliament^: 50% (2022 est.)
GDP per capita: $19,100 (2021 est.)
Source: CIA World Factbook, *UNICEF, ^World Bank
Advancing Women’s Economic Justice
CARE International, as a co-leader of the Economic Justice and Rights Action Coalition, actively worked alongside partners for several months. Together, they identified vital steps to improve women’s economic rights.
The plans for action were revealed during the Mexico Generation Equality Forum in 2021, focusing on fair and lasting solutions. These included; fair work, financial inclusion, and helping women start businesses. CARE called on partners to make bold commitments to turn these plans into reality.
It had been a year since the COVID-19 pandemic started, and it was time to speed up efforts for gender equality. The pandemic hit women and girls the hardest, making inequalities worse and threatening progress. Unfortunately, not enough was being done to protect women’s rights.
The Generation Equality Forum, with its 5-year goals and various Action Coalitions, provided an important chance for change.
As a co-leader, CARE listened to the people in their programs and partners. We used tools to understand how COVID-19 affected women, like the Rapid Gender Analyses, and included voices from partners.

Action Coalition leaders have made the conscious decision that we can’t do this alone. We must listen to each other, forge new relationships – based on feminist principles and gender equality – and most important of all – we must aim for the stars.
Sofia Sprechmann Sineiro, CARE’s Secretary General

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