The global hunger crisis is making conditions worse for Ethiopia, which is already enduring rising conflict and catastrophic drought.
16 million people are in desperate need of emergency support across Ethiopia following years of failed rains. The resulting droughts have ruined crops, killed livestock, and dried up water sources, leading to widespread food insecurity — forcing millions to leave their homes in search of food.
Millions more have been forced to flee the increasing levels of violent conflict, and the global hunger crisis is making is less possible than ever to import food from overseas.
CARE is delivering lifesaving aid to people in Ethiopia through food and nutrition programming, cash vouchers, healthcare and medical support, access to clean water, and protection services for women and girls.
You can help millions at risk of starvation by donating to our Global Hunger Crisis Appeal.
Fast Facts
Population: 117.8 million (2021)
Life expectancy: 67 years (65 male, 69 female) (2020)
Infant mortality: 35 deaths/1,000 live births (2020)
Under-5 mortality: 49 deaths/1,000 live births (2020)
Maternal mortality*: 401 deaths/100,000 live births (2017)
Adult literacy rate*: 51.8% (57.2% male, 44.4% female) (2017)
Access to improved drinking water*: 76.4% (98.5% urban, 70.2% rural) (2020)
Access to improved sanitation*: 28% (27.2% urban, 28.2% rural) (2020)
Labour force participation rate: 81.3% (87% male, 76% female (2019)
Percentage of seats held by women in national parliament: 43% (2021)
GDP per capita: $1,500 AUD (2021)
Source: World Bank, *CIA World Factbook

Working with women
In Ethiopia, we’re working closely with some of the country’s poorest communities, particularly women in remote and rural areas, to help provide tools for sustainable change.
Women in Ethiopia are especially vulnerable, particularly female-headed households and single mothers. Gender inequality often begins at an early age; many girls, particularly orphans and those from poor families, are uneducated because boys’ education is prioritised.
As 80 per cent of the population lives in remote and rural areas, providing assistance is often challenging. Child marriage is also practised – two in every five girls are married before the age of 18 and nearly one in five girls marries before 15 years of age. This further limits girls’ opportunities to go to school and puts them at risk of early pregnancy.
We are helping women to grow more food, gain access to training, agricultural tools and resources, and basic education. We’re improving access to micro-finance – access that helps families keep girls in school by paying for their books and transport expenses.
Working within the Yakisa (Ethiopia’s traditional women’s system), we’re including men in our efforts to change behaviours and attitudes, while amplifying the concerns and priorities of women. Together, these efforts strengthen women’s participation and leadership at both a household and community level.

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Support our ongoing work to create a more equal world.
Your donation can help end extreme poverty and give people the means to build a better future for themselves in countries like Ethiopia.
For those living in extreme poverty, your support brings education and training, healthcare and clean water, nutritious food, and new ways to earn an income. And in times of crisis, you help us deliver emergency relief. Please donate today.