To donate
Locked Bag 1237
North Melbourne
Vic 3051
Phone: Call us on 1800 DONATE or 1800 020 046
Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5:00pm
Website: Make a secure online donation
General enquiries
CARE Australia
PO BOX 372, Collins Street West, VIC 8007
Phone: 1800 020 046
Please do not post donations to this address, use the address under the Donate section instead.
Please do not send employment applications or expressions of interest to this address, please see Current Vacancies and Expressions of Interest on our Careers page.
To provide feedback, make a complaint or report misconduct
To speak to our Supporter Care Team about a donation or to change your details or communication preferences:
phone: 1800 020 046
in writing: Supporter CARE Team, CARE Australia, PO Box 372 Collins Street West, Melbourne VIC 8007
General feedback or complaints can be made via:
- email:
- phone: 1800 020 046
- in writing: CARE Australia Feedback and Complaints, PO Box 372 Collins Street West, Melbourne VIC 8007
- in person: to one of CARE Australia’s employees
A complaint may be done anonymously, though CARE Australia’s ability to resolve it may be affected if no contact is possible with the complainant.
If your concern relates to misconduct such as fraud, negligence, default, breach of trust, breach of duty, exploitation, harassment or abuse:
Please use our dedicated CARE International Ethics Point system CARE Line.
For more information or to read our policy please visit our complaints page.
Melbourne office
Level 4, 53 Queen Street
VIC 3000