Julmeira nu’udar membru Komisaun Jestaun Risku Dezastre Suku ne’ebé hetan suporta husi projetu Disaster READY (Dezastre PRONTU). Mudansa klimátika kontribui maka’as ba eventu klimátiku ekstremu sira no dezastre naturál ne’ebé akontese bebeik. Enkuantu, iha sosiedade patriarkál sira, norma jéneru ne’ebé metin bele kria bareira boot ba feto sira nia lideransa no partisipasaun iha atividade redusaun […]
Timor-Leste: women’s leadership helps save lives.

Julmeira is a member of a Suco Disaster Management Committee supported by the Disaster READY Project. Climate change is increasingly contributing to extreme weather events and the frequency of natural disasters. Meanwhile, in patriarchal societies, deep-rooted gender norms can create major barriers to women’s leadership and participation in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and emergency preparedness […]
Helping women, children, and the most vulnerable rebuild their lives.

In the six months since the escalation of the war in Ukraine, our supporters have helped CARE reach more than 466,000 people in the region with emergency food, hygiene kits, temporary shelter, evacuation support, cash assistance, psychological support and so much more. Here are some of the ways your support is reaching Ukrainians: Health services […]
Thank you for bringing hope.

We’ve now said goodbye to another financial year — but the work you’ve helped us achieve over the past 12 months is going to keep delivering hope, change, and lifesaving support for years to come. The war in Ukraine has shaken the world. But seeing our donors come together to support people facing the horrors […]
Thank you so much for your kind donation to CARE Australia’s Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal.

Three months ago, when war broke out in Ukraine, millions of families fled their homes. Forced to move or become refugees in neighbouring countries, they have long journeys ahead to rebuild their lives and search for some normality and stability. Thanks to CARE’s incredible supporters, we have been able to help them on their journeys […]
Timor-Leste: clean water on tap after 450 years

Living without clean water is a frightening prospect. Drinking dirty water is a quick way to get sick. And waterborne diseases spread quickly when there’s no clean water to wash in — it makes prioritising hygiene very difficult. On top of that, spending hours every day walking to a safe water supply robs people of […]