A new film from Australian writer-director Rodd Rathjen is shining a light on human trafficking and modern forms of slavery in our part of the world. Inspired by real events, Buoyancy tells the story of Chakra, a teenage boy from Cambodia who is tricked into working on a Thai fishing boat under a ruthless and […]
Lives put on hold by war, these girls won’t sit still

When war breaks out, girls’ lives are uprooted in unimaginable ways. War denies girls an education, forces them to flee their homes, and puts them at higher risk of abuse and exploitation. But despite the immense setbacks and dangers they face, many of the girls we meet in our work are precocious go-getters, determined to […]
Lafaek Magazine – giving a lifetime of learning

Incredible women humanitarians: Vanuatu’s Marie Toto

Aid workers make amazing sacrifices to help vulnerable people. World Humanitarian Day was 19 August, so we’re celebrating the people who make CARE’s lifesaving work possible – people like Marie Toto in Vanuatu. Marie’s job with CARE is to travel all over the islands of Vanuatu, training people to be prepared for disaster. But after […]
Meet the aid worker helping Yazidi women put their lives back together after ISIS

When you hear the phrase “aid worker”, what picture comes to mind? Probably a khaki-clad hero working far from home, right? Maybe an Australian? While it’s true some aid workers travel – and there are many heroic Aussies out there – the vast majority of people who carry out lifesaving aid work for organisations like […]
Disability is not a barrier

In regional Zimbabwe, poor hygiene and sanitation practices often lead to the spread of diseases like cholera and diarrhoea, affecting the health of entire communities. Thanks to the support of Australians through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), CARE is running an amazing project to help prevent this. The project runs sessions to help people […]