Comments on: Rural poverty in remote PNG Supporting women. Defeating poverty. Mon, 18 Feb 2019 03:39:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Ezekiel Tue, 03 Oct 2017 07:38:42 +0000 After reading this article, it gives me a hint on how the life is in the rural setting of PNG.To take you further, it seems that the elected leaders are not doing their job.

My name is John Ezekiel , i come from Upper part of JIMI District in Jiwaka province.There in my village we do not connect to the rest of the world.We flew in by small planes (MAF) from Mt Hagen airport.If a person get sick then we have to travel for almost 8 hours and many rivers, mountains.With the total of 7000 plus we still lack basic services and to get education is a big problem.We have only one school but teachers dont go because of its remoteness.I was one among lucky person who struggle to get education and now 2nd year studying PNG study in Divine Word University (Madang).

Such hardship and ignorance caused by our elected leaders because the all population do not have education to know what is right and wrong.All in all we do not come out clear and seek help or fund to help countrymen back at home because those big NGO’s do not make their scope and feasibility study to such remote places and speak on behalf.
I do not know who will help us but i just air my voice of concern that is you want to step in and help, i will be more than happy to assist and together we will help those people in need.

Thank you and God Bless.

By: Bella Mon, 18 Jul 2016 02:38:09 +0000 Thanks for inurdotcing a little rationality into this debate.
