Comments on: For the people of Nissan Island, today is about survival Supporting women. Defeating poverty. Wed, 09 Jan 2019 03:47:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mazzella Maniwavie Mon, 18 Jun 2018 05:05:52 +0000 I was very happy to have visited Nissan and Pinipel, a beautiful scenery and people too. I was there in August to September 2016 to do a community-based marine ecosystems assessment for Care International. I would love to return sometime to see how the information from the marine surveys have been integrated into the community-based resource management plan. Given the effects of climate change, I also talked with locals regarding their use of a mangrove species fruit as a staple vegetable during dry seasons. I am very interested to help in anyway, to see how traditional ecological knowledge of this mangrove species can be integrated into modern resource management strategies to secure food security options in the future.

By: EDWARD MISILIU Thu, 14 Jul 2016 02:16:11 +0000 As an Nissan Islander myself, I am very happy with the help Care International is doing for the islanders. The world should know and understand the impact climate change has impinged on small islanders. The Humanetarian Aids must be given in a long -term-benefit form to build human capacities in the islands so people will be able best manage their own resources to best take care of themselves.

Thank you.

By: Velea Fri, 13 Mar 2015 00:22:23 +0000 Addressing issues relating is Climate Change is everyone’s business. The people of Nissan taking the initiative to address these issues in their island home and with the support of Care International to me is humbling enough to me as a Papua New Guinean. This story is such a life inspiration in itself.
