How does one woman turn her family’s life around when the odds are stacked against her?
With courage, dedication – and a little help from donors like you. And to all our supporters who have bought a CAREgift over the past few years, we want you to see the kind of amazing opportunities you’re providing for women like Jane in Zambia.
The southern African region has some of the highest child mortality rates in the world – a product of malnutrition and poor healthcare. Overcoming this tragic problem isn’t just about providing more food, or quality education, or better hygiene – it’s about all of those and more. That’s why CARE is tackling the issue on all fronts – saving lives one CAREgift at a time.
CAREgifts are lifesaving items that CARE’s supporters have purchased, and are put to use in communities where they are most needed. In this case, they helped Jane and her family in Zambia.
Jane was struggling to support her family, and provide nutritious meals for her children. But when a series of CAREgifts arrived, thanks to our amazing supporters, she was able to lift her family out of poverty.

Jane received three goats (which sure enough turned into five) from which she gets milk that her family can drink, as well as sell for an income. Goats are a great gift because they can thrive even in the harshest of environments.

Cooking classes
Jane was taught the importance of feeding her new baby healthy, nutritious meals thanks to community cooking classes which teach mums about what to eat during pregnancy and after childbirth.
“I have learned how to add soybeans and groundnuts to porridge,” Jane said. “Fritters made of Cassava are also a good source of nutrition.”

Train a village health volunteer
Training healthcare workers to deliver quality nutrition counselling and lifesaving treatment helps Jane rest easy knowing that if her children get sick, help is nearby. And the clinics host training sessions – not just for mums, but for dads too:
“My husband’s involvement has also changed. He attends the Under-5 clinic once a month which is where he learns about nutrition and gender programming. My husband didn’t used to help, but since the inception of the project he now fetches water, cooks meals, and cares for our children.”
Thanks to supporters like you, Jane and her family have enough to eat, and are even stocking up on healthy vegetables. That’s why Jane is smiling from ear to ear.