Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers around the world!
This Mother’s Day, we celebrate the millions of amazing mothers CARE is supporting, who are helping their families and communities overcome poverty.

Palmira Sanches won an award for being a role model parent in one of CARE’s education projects in Timor-Leste. Palmira encourages her daughter Fidelia* to go to school, even though many girls in Timor-Leste miss out on an education in order the help their families work or look after the household.

Evelyn is a 24-years-old member of a Motherhood Skills Group CARE supports in Papua New Guinea. The group learns how to improve their family’s health and develops new skills, such as sewing, to earn an income for her family.

Fortunate and her family are members of CARE’s Village Savings and Loans (VSL) group in Malawi. She is learning to save and invest her money to earn a greater income.

Makeda*, 16, is part of a CARE program in Ethiopia which improves the sexual reproductive health of adolescent girls and educates the community about the dangers of child marriage.
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*CARE is committed to being a child safe organisation. Names of children have been changed.