On the morning of 7 October, an earthquake of magnitude-6.3 shook Herat in North-west Afghanistan, where CARE has been implementing a cash-for-work project aimed at building resilience.
The district of Zindajan was the worst hit with at least 1,294 people killed, a further 1,688 injured, and 500 people still missing, but these figures are expected to change as search and rescue continues.
CARE quickly mobilised resources to address the urgent needs of the more than 12,000 people affected. The destruction of homes and infrastructure will affect thousands, including approximately 1,400 internally displaced persons (IDPs) from 300 families and a further 2,100 people who have been displaced to Herat City, where they are currently residing in abandoned buildings.
The team has identified that affected households are in urgent need of cash, food, clean water and shelters, and also plan to distribute 120 dignity kits and 120 blankets to women and girls affected by the earthquake.
The situation in Afghanistan has been tumultuous for some time: conflict forced more than 700,000 people from their homes in 2021, while drought, rising food prices, COVID-19, and economic decline have contributed to around half the country going to bed hungry each night. The country’s south-east is also still recovering from an earthquake of magnitude-6.1 that killed more than 1,000 people in June 2022.
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The current Humanitarian Response Plan that aims to support 23.7M people in the country is only 33.9% funded, while needs are increasing rapidly. The fast-approaching winter, combined with this new disaster, is likely to exacerbate the existing challenges and make it even more difficult for people to meet their basic needs, like adequate shelter, food, and medicine.
Reshma Azmi, Afghanistan Deputy Country Director
What is CARE doing in Afghanistan?
CARE Afghanistan has deployed four mobile health teams to the two affected villages of Zinda Jan district, as well as a team to care for livestock affected by the earthquake. The team has also provided axes and shovels to daily wage labourers already working on one of CARE’s canal irrigation projects, to support the response.
CARE has identified that affected households are in urgent need of cash, food, clean water and shelters, and are concerned for women and girls who are extremely vulnerable in times of crises. We plan to distribute dignity kits, blankets, and tarpaulins to affected households in the first instance.
How will my donation support people in Afghanistan?
The funds raised through this appeal will go to CARE’s Global Emergency Fund which supports our Rapid Response Team, who prepare for, and respond to emergencies and disasters globally, providing life saving assistance. Our experience has shown that capacity is often stretched beyond its limits by humanitarian disasters, and that rapidly deploying personnel to an emergency is crucial to provide operational, strategic, and remote support in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.
The Rapid Response Team is able to deploy within 72 hours anywhere in the world to reinforce CARE offices and ensure a timely start up, or scale-up of emergency operations in response to crisis situations.
RRT members are specialised in areas such as Response Management, Gender, Water and Sanitation, Logistics, Shelter, Food Security, Sexual and Reproductive Health and more.
In the aftermath of emergencies like this, CARE’s focus is on immediate lifesaving supplies followed by the necessary support to help people build long-term solutions. With our partners around the world, we are:
- saving lives now with immediate shelter and food supplies, cash vouchers, access to job opportunities, and prevention of life-threatening malnutrition;
- growing resilience and livelihoods to help people recovery from this crises and be better prepared for future emergencies; and
- changing systems by working with partners and communities and advocating for governments to prevent repeat crises.
CARE has worked in Afghanistan since 1961. We are a trusted provider of humanitarian assistance, with strong relationships in local communities. Today, we work both directly and through local partners.
How long has CARE been working in Afghanistan?
CARE International first established its operation in Afghanistan in 1961, but suspended activities in 1979 and resumed in 1989.
Today, CARE is one of the leading humanitarian international NGOs in Afghanistan fighting poverty and providing life-saving assistance to vulnerable Afghans.
Can I donate physical items to help those in need?
It’s natural to want to donate things like clothes, blankets, toys for kids or other helpful things that you may have. And whilst that’s extremely kind and thoughtful, there are a number of reasons why CARE Australia is unable to accept donations of physical goods or items. Transportation and shipment of goods is a costly exercise, takes time, and it is preferred to support the affected local economy.
The best way to help is through financial contributions, which can be used immediately to purchase critically-needed items locally – this helps people faster and also supports local businesses and suppliers.
Donate by phone
Call 1800 020 046 toll free and pay by credit card.
Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
CARE will use donations to our Global Emergency Fund to provide emergency relief and services to those who need them most. This will help the world’s most vulnerable people prepare for, and recover from, emergencies and disasters.